Flying Termite Swarmers in Asheville, NC

One particular phenomenon that residents need to be aware of is the annual flying termite swarmers season, which, in Asheville and Western North Carolina, typically spans from March through June. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential facts about termite swarmers, delve into the world of subterranean termites, and highlight the importance of termite coverage for Asheville homeowners.

Understanding Termite Swarmers:

Termite swarmers, also known as alates, are the reproductive members of a termite colony. During their swarming season, these winged termites emerge in large numbers to mate and establish new colonies. Spotting termite swarmers around your home is often a sign of an existing termite colony nearby.

An Eastern Subterranean termite colony can reach more than 4 million individuals!

Facts About Subterranean Termites:

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Colony Size:

Subterranean termites, one of the most common termite species, form colonies that can range in size from a few thousand to several million termites. These colonies are well-organized and can cause significant damage to wooden structures.

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Damage Potential:

Subterranean termites are notorious for their ability to silently and destructively consume wood from the inside out. Annually, termites cause billions of dollars in damage to homes, making them a serious threat to homeowners across the United States.

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Winged Reproduction:

Termite swarmers are responsible for initiating new colonies. These winged termites leave their existing colonies in search of mates, ultimately aiming to establish new nests. Identifying swarmers around your property can be a red flag, signaling the potential for an impending infestation.

The Importance of Termite Coverage

Given the potential devastation termites can wreak on homes, having termite coverage is a wise investment for Asheville homeowners. Catchy Pest Solutions, your local pest control experts, offer a comprehensive solution to protect your property.

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Catchy Pest Solutions provides free inspections and quotes, helping homeowners understand the extent of their termite risk and the necessary preventive measures.

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Homeowners can secure their homes under warranty for as little as $9 per month with Catchy Pest Solutions. For larger homes exceeding 5000 sq ft, coverage is available for just $19 per month.


Asheville residents, be proactive in safeguarding your homes against termite swarmers and subterranean termites. With the threat prevalent from March through June, now is the time to consider termite coverage. Catchy Pest Solutions is your trusted local partner, offering expertise, affordability, and peace of mind. Don’t wait until the damage is done—protect your home today! 🌿🏡✨ #TermiteProtection #AshevillePestControl #HomeownershipSecurity

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Termite Coverage

We stand by the effectiveness of our termite treatments, which is why every service comes with a comprehensive warranty. Our commitment is not only to exterminate existing termite colonies but also to provide lasting peace of mind for our clients. If any issues arise within the warranty period, we address them promptly and effectively.